30 julio, 2005

If you close..

"..Dark party bars,
shiny cadillac cars
And the people on subways and trains
Looking gray in the rain,
as they stand disarrayed
Oh, but people look well in the dark

And if you close the door
The night could last forever
Leave the sunshine out
And say hello to never
All the people are dancing
And they’re having such fun
I wish it could happen to me
Cause if you close the door
I’d never have to see the day again
I’d never have to see the day again, once more
I’d never have to see the day again."

The Velvet Underdround & Nico.

27 julio, 2005


No puedo ser listo si cierro puertas que me hacen incompleto,
ni mecer palabras si aún hoy pido su puto permiso.
No piso una alfombra roja, en todo caso, asomo con tiento en este After cáustico que tú también creaste, al llevarme de la mano y confiar en que podía crecer.